• +48 52 511 41 21
  • sekretariat@mastech-technology.pl

Automated storage for full E2 boxes

We build and install automated storage for full E2 boxes in plants, where meat cutting and processing is carried out. We design it as a transitional storage between cutting and the processing, packing or shipping part of raw meat. It is also used as a storage for finished products in cardboard packaging. We offer several variants of the storage:

  • FIFO Gravity Storage - dedicated mainly to customers with their own stores;
  • FIFO Gravity Storage with automatic loading - for customers with a large number of stores or as post-partition buffers;
  • Cartesian Shelf Storage - with a large amount of very fragmented assortment.

The use of automated storage reduces the number of workstations, replaces people by device and, at the same time, ensures elimination or reduction of errors when releasing.

Application examples:

  • Storage and release;
  • Storage as a buffer during production - cutting works fully, even when the packaging machines are stopped. You gain time to change the packaging without stopping the earlier stage of production (cutting);
  • In a situation where there is no need to pack all the assortments at the moment, the assortment is waiting in the buffer.





Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

MASTECH Piotr Chróśniak

Szczepankowo 11
88 - 306 Dąbrowa
NIP: 557-162-27-43
REGON: 340720188


tel: +48 525114121
email: sekretariat@mastech-technology.pl

Sales department:

Radosław Kotkiewicz

tel: +48 733-690-420

email: r.kotkiewicz@mastech-technology.pl

International trade:

Ewelina Radzikowska

tel: +48 883-075-420
email: e.radzikowska@mastech-technology.pl

Automation and IT systems:

Maciej Chróśniak

email: m.chrosniak@mastech-technology.pl

Stock and spare parts:

Natalia Chróśniak

tel: +48 883-450-420
email: n.chrosniak@mastech-technology.pl


Tomasz Chróśniak

tel: +48 796-041-746
email: serwis@mastech-technology.pl